Winter session
These events will be located at the Body & Soul fitness studio located at 305 Park Ave in Keene, NH. Body & Soul is located BEHIND Cornerstone, please make sure sure to park behind the building.
For details, directions, questions, or to set up a private consultation,
call (603) 903-5610
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Never miss another event! Get updates directly to your inbox! Look for us on
February Events
· 2/21, 2pm: Intro to Essential Oils– Learn the basics for better health, bring a friend!
· 2/28, 11am-4pm Saturday Seminar: Shake off the winter blues Intro class 11am to 1pm, break for lunch, emotions class begins at 2pm. Learn to manage seasonal depression with essential oils
March Events
· 3/7, 2pm : Intro to Essential Oils
· 3/8, 2pm Essential Yoga $15 Connection. Cultivate an open heart: a couples retreat Connect with your lover this Valentines Day. The two of you will be guided through a calming vinyasa class in which you take turns nurturing each other with the gentle healing touch of essential oils. The class will be featuring heart opening postures and restorative partner poses.
· 3/13, 6pm users forum Free Zyto Compass scans for members enrolled in the LRP
· 3/21, 2pm: Intro to Essential Oils
· 3/28, 11am-4pm Saturday Seminar: Spring cleaning with essential oils Intro class 11am to 1pm, break for lunch, cleanse class begins at 2pm. Learn how to reduce your toxic load & how to cleanse many of your body systems with essential oils.
· 3/29, 2pm: Essential Yoga $15 Alignment: Release, Relax, Restore This restorative yoga workshop will work postures and oils form head to toe for total relaxation and restoration. The selection of oils and the order in which they are used is designed to move stagnant energy, detoxify the body, and restore equilibrium. A head to toe restorative practice of long held you in poses with a focus on breath, send Seshan and stillness teaches the power of sent memory. A long, final relaxation combined with the dōTERRA Balance blend it allows the file to this Palapu practice and align with your core being.